Fundy Regional Interdepartmental Workplace Wellness Committee

Government employees in the Fundy Region are taking wellness seriously!

New Brunswick residents across the province have been taking steps towards improving their lives by joining the Wellness Movement. As a major employer, the Government of New Brunswick has an important role to play in promoting a work environment which supports workplace wellness and a healthy work-life balance; after all, the majority of the adult population spends at least one third of their daily life at work.

The Fundy Regional Interdepartmental Workplace Wellness Committee meets monthly to share ideas, events and to provide a coordinated healthy workplace culture for GNB departments in the Fundy Region. The committee is currently made up of representatives from various departments, including Energy; Finance; Public Safety; Healthy and Inclusive Communities; Transportation; Social Development; Post-Secondary Education, Training & Labour; Service New Brunswick; and Agriculture, Aquaculture & Fisheries.

In an attempt to enhance employee engagement in the workplace, the group has started a wellness project that focuses on a mental fitness approach. The goal is to satisfy employee needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness which in turn increases employee engagement and productivity, while at the same time contributing to an improvement in the employees’ general well being. The project has enjoyed a number of successes, including the “Welcome to Work” program which sees managers greeting employees on a random day before work begins, for conversation and light refreshments. The surprise aspect of the program is enjoyable for everyone, and the conversation first thing in the morning increases mental activity and is good for morale.

Congratulations to GNB employees in the Fundy region, we look forward to hearing more about your upcoming wellness initiatives!