Stanley High School

Stanley High School is working towards wellness. We have purchased some new equipment for a weight room that students can use for classes and on their own time. We have started a Yoga program with students that is really fun. We are purchasing some new acoustic equipment that can be used for music as well as physical activities in the gym. We have stared a “Twisted Tuesdays” activity where students can jam with guitars that have been purchased or bring their own. Students jam together with guitars in the cafeteria at lunch time. They have even played for the elementary students in the cafeteria at their lunch break and that was really exciting!! We have an awesome breakfast program every morning where students can pick up breakfast as they enter the school. We offer a free healthy snack to all our students once each month during break in the afternoon. We have offered the chefs program as an enrichment class to all middle school students this year and we have partnered with our local community dietician, local farmers and public health nurse to do this. We are planning to develop a composting program at our school in partnership with our local community garden. In partnership with our SRC and athletic department, we are installing a new water fountain with a water bottle refilling station near to our gym where students and visitors can refill their waterbottles. We are planning a guest speaker from the RCMP about drug and alcohol abuse. These are just a few of the activities that are happening at Stanley High School!