Clinique Vieillir en santé / Healthy Aging Clinic

Des professionnels de la santé pourront mesurer votre:– Tension artérielle – Cholestérol – Glycémie Des matériels éducationnels seront disponibles sur plusieurs sujets de santé.


Cooking for Better Blood Sugars: Quinoa Salads

Join our in-store dietitian (candidate) for a FREE Diabetes focused nutrition class. Come learn how cook and incorporate Quinoa into your meals, how this can help improve your blood sugars […]


Discover the new Canada’s Food Guide

Are you curious about the recommendations in the new Canada’s Food Guide and how you can put them into practice? Do you want to become familiar with the resources that […]


Prenatal Yoga

Join Prenatal Yoga Instructor Shannon Scull for a 45 minute Prenatal Yoga session for expecting Moms and herYou will learn; breathing techniques, yoga postures and some relaxation meditations...All of which […]
