Calendar of Events

S Sun

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

1 event,

NB Senior Research Study

3 events,


Eating Well for Less


Yoga at the Manor!

1 event,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,


Stepps for Borderline Personality Disorder

0 events,

7 events,

4 events,


Dancing with Deby

2 events,


Zumba with Rachel Mills


Dancing with Deby

1 event,

1 event,

2 events,


Fun run, Échange et distribution d’équipements usagés, Rencontre familiale

0 events,

2 events,

7 events,


Chair Exercises

4 events,


Chi Walking

3 events,


Cooking for Heart Health: Tasty Taco Bowls

3 events,


22nd Riverview Holistic Fair

2 events,


Tournoi Soccer Baseball Tournament


Le Gros Workout

2 events,

Joue avec Lili-Bou

3 events,

3 events,

Autism Swim, Miramichi


Yoga at the Manor!

4 events,

2 events,

Retraite pour les patients atteints du cancer du sein au Nouveau-Brunswick 2019

3 events,

15 events,

Journée de la citrouille


KV Walkers Long Distance Walk


2019 Adoption Conference – Thriving as Adoptive Families: The Realities of the Adoption Journey

4 events,

Walk into Wellness

5-2-1-0 @ FMS

5-2-1-0 @ FMS


Family Art Day at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery: 60th anniversary celebrations!

8 events,


Marche communautaire

25 events,

Célébrons le mieux-être dans les milieux de travail au Restigouche / Celebrate Wellness in Workplaces in the Restigouche

East Coast Essentrics


Célébration mieux-être scolaire

25 events,

Célébrons le mieux-être dans les écoles / Celebrate Wellness in Schools


Session d’information / Information Session : Bien manger – Comprendre le nouveau Guide alimentaire canadien

23 events,


Water Bottle Painting

17 events,

Annual Wellness Champion Celebration


pARTicipate Community Yoga


Marche en pieds de bas PRO JEUNESSE

31 events,


pARTicipate Community Yoga


Viens courir vers ta santé


Atelier Innata